Acne is one of the most common skin problems suffered worldwide. Almost everyone suffers one or more episodes of mild to severe acne during their lifetime.Though common in the teenage, it is now becoming commonly seen in later ages also. Acne is a condition which is usually under treated and neglected in many. In such cases it may sometimes heal on its own but may leave behind ugly scars which may be in the form of skin discoloration or acne pits. Timely treatment not only prevents further break outs but also saves one from the scarring.
The 4 main causes are:
- Excessive Sebum /oil production.
- Blockage of oil glands.
- Increased proliferation and accumulation of dead skin.
- Secondary bacterial infection.
All these factors may occur in various permutations and combinations to ultimately cause a flare of acne and comedones.
In addition to these, other lifestyle factors may also cause an increased occurrence of acne like:-
DIET – A diet high in sugar or refined flours or processed food may cause increased breakouts.
HORMONAL IMBALANCES – Factors like Menstrual irregularities and PCOD have been proven to be a great contributory factor in acne.
SKINCARE/ MAKEUP – Heavy make up worn for long hours, thick creams or facial oils, improper cleansing and sleeping with make up or oil on face are again known contributors in acne.
Acne can present in various forms from mild comedones (black/ whiteheads) to severe nodulocystic acne.Various presentations include:
Comedones – These include open comedones commonly known as blackheads or closed comedones called as whiteheads in common language.
Papule – These look like tiny soft or hard bumps whitish or reddish in colour.
Pustules – If the papules become infected with acne bacteria they get filled with mild pus and are called pustules.
Nodules/ Nodulocystic – Slightly larger bumps than the papules which have most of their are beneath the skin and are usually hard and painful to touch.When these hard nodules become pus or fluid filled and are boggy to touch, they are called a s cystic acne. These nodules and cyst have a high likelihood of leaving behind scarring.
Diagnosis is usually clinic but if hormonal imbalances are suspected then a battery of hormonal tests may be needed.
Treatment needs to be started early and followed for quite some duration to not only cure but also prevent future acne and scarring. Treatment depends upon :
- Severity of acne
- Potential or actual scarring
- Impact of acne on patient quality of life.
Treatment options include:
- Creams/ Gels/ face wash
- Oral tablets
- Hormonal supplements
- Chemical peels
- Comedone Removal
- Cyst Removal
- Dermal Infusions
- Lasers
- Microneedling.
A combination of above treatment options may be chosen by your Dermatologist to effectively cure acne and scarring.
- Picking up acne.
- Over the counter creams and gels
- Salon Facials
- Heavy makeup.
- Thick creams and oil massage
- Self-medication.
Why Choose Skinette ?
SKINETTE clinic is a modern State of art Aesthetic and Hair Transplant Centre located in the heart of Faridabad. Equipped with all advanced and FDA approved technology strives to provide the best outcome to each of its clients. The Chief dermatologist at SKINETTE Clinic is Board Certified Dermatologist with MD, DNB in dermatology. She has an outstanding practice and has produced amazing results consistently when it comes to treatment of acne and acne scars.